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In Memoriam

Lenny Gittens (1948 - 2002)

I guess I miss Lenny's stories the most. He used to tell these stories about Vietnam and his trips to Africa. God I loved them. He was a photographer and took some great pictures. He was very quiet about his talent. When he passed on, it seemed like all of Brooklyn mourned him.
- I miss you, Brother.

Margaret Mattic (died Sept 11, 2001)

I was shocked into silence when I heard what happened to Margaret. Her partner came in to tell me and it took me a long time to place her face. I think I did realize who it was but I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I had trouble sleeping for days. I still think about it. She was the sweetest woman and had a quiet nature. She was into theater and used to attend my screenplay reading series. She used to buy my sweet potato pie tarts. I remember when she told me she was working on a play. I was looking forward to knowing more about her.

Councilman James E. Davis
(1962 - 2003)

He always supported my store. The last time I saw him was just a few days before he was killed. He kissed me on the cheekand said "We are going to make sure you don't get displaced." I don't know what he would have done but I know he was going to try. I miss his infectious smile and his boundless energy.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
—Mahatma Gandhi